Terms of Use - FTS

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Terms of Use

Last updated on May 2018

The current Terms of use apply to any person/visitor from the moment when any site content (www.fts-eu.com) is visualized on their devices, until the access to the data is completely terminated.

The current Terms of use could be updated at any time and without prior notice. People who visit/use the site are subject to the Terms of use that apply to the site at the relevant moment.

Privacy Policy

FTS Bulgaria could collect information directly or via www.fts-eu.com and its subdomains. The text below describes our policy regarding the collecting and the management of this information, that identifies an individual visitor and could be used for contacting him/her.

Collecting personal data

We do collect and manage personal data in order to respond to your inquiries, that refer to using our free or paid services, as well as for access to different site functionalities: newsletter subscription, requests for the solutions and services that FTS provides. By using the functionalities of our website, you agree you’re your personal data will be collected, but you also confirm their accuracy. You also declare, that you are informed for the type of the personal data that we are collecting, for the relevant purposes, as well as for your right of access, editing or deleting of the collected personal data.

We do guarantee the protection of the data that you share with us with the relevant procedures. Your data may be stored and processed at definite locations, strictly compliant with the applicable Bulgarian and European legislation for personal data protection and confidentiality.

Your questions regarding our privacy policy, you can send us to email GDPR@fts-eu.com

Sharing information with third parties

You could use www.fts-eu.com without entering any personal data. In case that you are required to submit your name or e-mail address, you submit it voluntarily, usually when filling in a contact form, downloading resources or webinar recordings. The information that you submit is not shared with third parties.