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The last few days have brought hot news about Power BI. The June version of Power BI Desktop – is coming to offer many interesting new features, among which the most anticipated one is the capability to combine paginated reports and Power BI reports into one.
Let’s look at the following scenario – business users need to analyze customer receivables grouped by sales representatives. The analysis should cover a specific period and specific customers, selected on the basis of different analytics such as group, city, customer name, etc. Users should be able to quickly see what are the receivables for the selected group of customers and to generate for a selected sales representative an Excel file with separate pages for each customer. The file must be well formatted and ready to be sent to customers without the need for further processing.
The availability of a paginated report visual allows the task to be elegantly solved in Power BI. In Power BI Desktop we build reports with the typical Power BI capabilities for visual presentation of information. With bar chart visualizations and appropriate formatting we present the receivables by sales representatives. We add the new paginated report visual and connect its parameters with the data from our dataset. The outcome is an interactive report made up of interconnected parts and having the necessary functionality to export data in specific formatting.